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US court clears the way for extradition of 26/11 Mumbai terror attack accused Tahawwur Rana to India

mumbai attack

A US court has ruled that Tahawwur Rana, a Pakistani-born Canadian businessman and a key accused in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, can be extradited to India to face trial. The ruling comes after a prolonged legal battle in the US, where Rana had been fighting against his extradition for several years.

Rana was arrested in Los Angeles in 2009 on charges of providing material support to the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the militant group responsible for the Mumbai attacks, which claimed the lives of over 160 people, including six Americans. He was also accused of plotting an attack on a Danish newspaper that had published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

Rana had denied the charges and had been fighting against his extradition, arguing that he was not involved in the Mumbai attacks and that he would be at risk of torture or death if he was sent to India. However, the US court rejected his arguments and allowed his extradition to India.

The decision was welcomed by the Indian government, which has been seeking Rana’s extradition for several years. The Indian authorities have accused Rana of providing logistical support to the LeT and helping the militants carry out the Mumbai attacks.

The extradition of Rana to India is likely to be a significant development in the case, as it could lead to more information about the planning and execution of the attacks. The Mumbai attacks were one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in India’s history and had strained relations between India and Pakistan.

In conclusion, the ruling by the US court allowing the extradition of Tahawwur Rana to India is a significant development in the case and could provide more information about the Mumbai attacks. The decision has been welcomed by the Indian government and is likely to have implications for India-Pakistan relations.



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